Course Project Update - Green Renovation Process - August 24, 2018

We received almost six inches of rain on Sunday and Monday. Not ideal, but the team moved on to 17 and 18 Greens. Keith Foster made another visit on Tuesday to approve work completed last week and to help direct work on Holes 12 - 18.

Current work on 12 - 18 Greens is a team process between LaBar and OCC staff. Following are some photos of the initial work performed by LaBar.

The Club is using GreenScan3D equipment to GPS/laser measure the green surface.  The original greens were measured at the beginning of the project.  They are measured one to two more times, depending if the green had any slope or contour adjustments per Keith Foster's plan.  These measurements will guide us to within .01" margin of error when the green is complete.

If the green will need adjustments to the slope or contour, the area is marked off and sod is cut and removed.  The original edges from the 2006 renovation are located and marked.  Greens mix matching exactly what was used in 2006 is added to achieve the new contour.  Keith Foster approves the new adjusted surface.  The green is GPS/laser measured again.
The green is staked on a 5'x5' grid which will aid in quality control so we achieve the correct depths and contours per Keith Foster's plan. The sod is cut then removed by hand.  The entire green is stripped to a depth of about two inches, ensuring all organic matter and topdressing build-up is removed.

Using the GPS/laser equipment, LaBar staff apply the intermediate greens mix evenly over the entire surface at a depth of about 1.5 inches.  This mix has been selected because it has characteristics that will improve our existing mix by better balancing the air/water pore space ratios and providing a firmer surface.  Once the sand is adjusted to the proper contour and is leveled, the surface is watered and tamped down.