In spring and late fall we will inevitably encounter frost delays in the morning. As stewards of the golf course it is the responsibility of the Grounds Maintenance Center staff to protect the turf from damage and avoid unnecessary, costly repairs.

When dew forms on the turf blades, the moisture freezes. It can form when the temperature (or wind chill) is near or below the freezing point. The ice crystals that form on the outside of the plant can also harden or even freeze the cell structure of the plant. When frosted, the normally resilient plant cells become brittle and are easily crushed. Once the cells are broken, you cannot mend the turf blade.

Significant damage can occur simply by walking across the green. This damage will not be visible right away but within two to three days the turf will turn brown, leaving remnants of footprints on the turf. You may not notice damage after walking in your yard, however frost affects putting greens and fairways more noticeably due to height of cut and the continual stress from maintenance practices. The damage isn't just unsightly, putting quality will also be reduced until repairs are made. Repairs are expensive. Depending on the amount of damage, areas of the green may have to be kept out of play for days or weeks until the new turfgrass is established.

Please understand, frost dissipates at different rates on different areas of the golf course. GMC staff keeps a vigilant eye throughout the course to monitor when the frost has lifted. Once GMC staff has completed maintenance practices for the day, golfers will be allowed on the golf course. Frost may not be evident on the Practice Facility, but is most likely evident on other areas of the golf course. Owners of personal golf cars should always use the paths and refrain from driving on the grass. We appreciate your patience during frost delays. Please check with the Golf Shop prior to your early morning round of golf for updates on course conditions and start times.

Once the ground is frozen, the greens will close for the winter season. The Grounds Maintenance Center will issue updates on course closures via email.


Hand watering allows the Grounds Maintenance Center staff to apply water to specific areas of a green while controlling the amount of water applied. For example, the collar or the area around yesterday’s hole placement. This is opposed to using the main irrigation system which would water the entire green. Our goal is to keep the turf as dry as possible, providing limited water to specific areas only when absolutely necessary.

Our staff is trained to water in and out of play throughout the day. While we make every effort to avoid holding up play, there may be times where watering is crucial to maintain healthy turf. In such instances a GMC staff member will remove the flag from the hole while hand watering the green. Please refrain from making your next shot onto the green until the flag has been placed back in the cup and the staff member has removed the hose from the green.


Aeration is an essential tool in maintaining healthy turf. In order to gain a healthy stand of turf, you must look beneath the surface for a deep and healthy root system. Roots require oxygen and aeration provides this necessity. When we remove the material and replace it with sand, tiny pockets of air are trapped between the soil and sand particles, providing oxygen for the roots to thrive.

Soil compaction is also addressed through aeration. Traffic from golfers’ feet and mowing equipment can compact the soil. Soil compaction pushes out essential air pockets, making it difficult for roots to grow. Without oxygen and a healthy root system the plant’s chance for survival diminishes.

Over time, organic matter, such as dead stems, leaves and roots, accumulates on the surface of the green and develops into a layer of thatch. Excessive thatch leads to many problems including an increase in disease and insect activity. The most noticeable symptom is the sponge-like feel. By removing the aeration plugs, we keep that layer of thatch under control.

There are many different types of mechanical aeration. All create air spaces in the soil with varying degrees of disruption, either by poking a hole, cutting a slit or shooting high pressure water into the turf. The type of aeration we use depends on many factors, however hollow tine aeration is the most common. The photo shows cores of turf and soil being removed while incorporating sand topdressing into the open holes.

Greens are put through a great deal of stress throughout the year. In order to maintain healthy turf, it must have a deep and healthy root system. With mowing heights less than 1/8” combined with foot and mechanical traffic and harsh weather extremes, aeration is one tool that aids in turf survival. Aeration may interrupt play for a few weeks each year, but it is a necessary practice in maintaining championship conditions of smooth, consistent and firm putting surfaces.


The Grounds Maintenance Center staff’s number one priority is to provide a healthy stand of turfgrass while being able to meet the Club standards.  In a natural environment, the grass plant is not mowed daily or walked upon by hundreds of golfers.  We grow and maintain grass in an artificial environment.  We put many stresses upon the plants by rolling and mowing every day and by introducing traffic, thus compaction to the soil.  We deprive the plants of water when necessary in order to maintain putting green speed or firmness in a fairway.  The stresses we introduce to the plants are substantial and the plants sometimes need our help.

We help the plants endure these stresses in many different ways.  Proper nutrition is the first step toward healthy plants.  When possible we utilize organic sourced fertilizers throughout the property.  Some of our organic fertilizers are poultry based.  Others use seaweed as a nitrogen source.  Organic fertilizers are a great alternative to synthetically produced products because of added side effects including helping to feed the soil.

Even properly fed plants may not be able to withstand the stresses we put upon them.  At certain times of the year, plants can be attacked by pathogens leading to diseases.  At this time, there are no viable alternatives to the use of plant protectants or pesticides.  We use plant protectants in both preventative and curative situations.  Some diseases are easy to control before the plant is infected and very difficult once infected.  Diseases like these would be treated preventatively.  Other diseases that are rarely a concern or easy to control may be treated curatively.  When selecting a plant protectant, we consider many factors such as impact on the environment, cost, ease of application and safety to applicators.  Plant protectants are applied as necessary and with a careful eye on the weather.  Imposing weather conditions may affect when a product is applied.

The following information regarding pesticides is courtesy of the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA):

Why do golf courses use pesticides?
Pesticides help limit the damage that can be caused by insects, weeds and plant diseases. Insecticides, herbicides and fungicides are used very selectively to protect the health of turf, trees and other living things on the course. Fertilizers provide much-needed nutrition for the course's plant life.

It is very important to note that pesticides and fertilizers are not used primarily for aesthetic reasons. First and foremost, they are tools that help ensure a healthy playing surface for the game. Furthermore, they help protect a valuable and ecologically important piece of land.

How does a superintendent decide when to apply a pesticide?
Pest problems on golf courses are often relatively predictable or can be diagnosed as part of an ongoing monitoring program. Once the problem has been identified, the superintendent considers the available options.  These could include cultural practices (such as physically removing weeds, changing irrigation patterns or clearing underbrush around a problem area to allow more air movement) or the use of biological controls or chemical products.

Once the problem is diagnosed and the right treatment has been selected, the superintendent waits for the ideal time to treat the problem in the most effective and environmentally sound manner available. This approach is often called "integrated pest management."

What kinds of products are used?
Most people are surprised to find out that the majority of the pesticide products used by superintendents are identical or closely related to those used by homeowners.

How do we know these products aren't harmful to humans or wildlife?
Pesticide production is one of the most highly regulated industries in the United States. Before a product is registered by the EPA, it must be rigorously tested for potential human health and environmental effects. This process can take up to 10 years and involve more than 120 different tests and studies.  Today, manufacturers often invest up to $50 million in product safety and testing before a new pesticide ever comes to the market.

Are golfers at risk?
No. There is no scientific evidence that golfers face any chronic health risks from the pesticides used to maintain courses. Once a liquid product is applied and the turfgrass is dry or the product has been watered in, there is very little chance of exposure to golfers or others who enter the area. It is worth noting that a small percentage of people may be allergic to a particular product, just as some people are allergic to household cleaners, soaps or perfumes. Golfers with possible chemical allergies are always encouraged to contact superintendents to find out what products might be in use.

If the products aren't dangerous, why do professional applicators wear protective gear?
Applicators work directly with pesticides and are exposed much more often than golfers. Consider the fact that it is safe for a person to have an occasional X-ray, but the technician may actually leave the room to prevent repeated exposure. Pesticide label directions (which carry the weight of law) require that applicators take certain precautions based on the assumption that the same person will be repeatedly exposed to the same product over many years. These precautions may include the use of rubber gloves, goggles, respirators or protective clothing.

Some media stories suggest that pesticides are linked to cancer. What are the facts?
Most of the product testing required by the EPA focuses on this question. Before a product is registered, tests are done (usually on laboratory rats) using exposure rates that are considerably higher than any exposure a golfer could ever receive. Although a recent study commissioned by GCSAA to examine cause of death among its members found some higher rates of certain cancers, researchers said no cause-and-effect relationship could be established from the data. They also said lifestyle choices such as smoking, dieting and stress were the most significant factors in the results.

Do properly applied chemicals pose a threat to groundwater, lakes or streams?
No. Studies consistently show that a well-managed golf course can actually improve water quality on and around the facility. Research also shows that when pesticides and fertilizers are used properly, they do not tend to seep into groundwater or run off in surface water. Modern products and practices allow superintendents to manage turfgrass so efficiently that there is little chance of harm to our precious water resources.

What kinds of training and education do superintendents and golf course applicators have?
Golfers are often surprised to find that most superintendents have college degrees in agronomy, horticulture or a related field. Because it's important to keep up-to-date with new information and technologies, the majority also attend continuing education programs offered by universities and associations like GCSAA.

Superintendents are widely considered to be among the best-educated and most judicious users of pesticide products. The vast majority of superintendents are using integrated pest management practices to ensure that both the turf and the environment stay healthy. Applicators are also trained and licensed by their states.

A recent study indicated that nearly 100 percent of GCSAA-member courses had at least one licensed applicator on staff (despite the fact that it isn't necessarily required in some states). This confirms a high degree of compliance and concern about safe and proper usage of chemical tools.