Course Project Update - Green Renovation Process - August 29, 2018

It is a team effort between LaBar and the Grounds Maintenance Center staff to prepare the greens for re-grassing.  Following are photos of the GMC team in action.

Once LaBar has leveled the intermediate mix, the stakes are removed from the green.  GMC staff members add several types of nutrients to the surface of the green.  The nutrients will provide an excellent base for the roots to thrive.

The nutrients and intermediate mix must now be combined into the base layer.  It is important for these three layers to incorporate thoroughly so there are no linear layers in the soil profile.  The rototiller does a fantastic job at mixing all three components.  The entire green is rototilled twice, the second time is completed on an offset angle.

After the surface is rototilled, we utilize the loader over the entire green to firm the surface.