Golf Course Care

Following are tips on proper golf course etiquette during each golf outing:



We appreciate your diligence in replacing your fairway divots.

The Grounds Maintenance Center has dedicated staff hired specifically to fill divots in fairways. Our divot fillers work weekday mornings and are trained to fill each depression with the correct amount of our sand, soil and bentgrass seed mixture. The soil component aids in water retention and allows for quicker germination and establishment of the seed. Members and guests are encouraged to aid in this effort as well. Replacing your divot with displaced turf is always the best option for repair. Replace the turf making sure to push the divot back into the soil with your foot so the roots have a better chance to heal. If the dislodged turf is thin and in pieces, it is best to leave it for GMC staff to fill with our sand/seed mixture.


Please practice in a straight line. Place your ball at the grassy back edge of your previous divot, removing a small portion of grass with each swing.

Practice Range divots are simply a part of the game of golf. By following a few simple steps, we can reduce the impact divots have on the practice range. The first photo illustrates 25 divots taken two different ways. The second photo shows healing time approximately 30 days later. Creating a line of divots significantly reduces the square footage affected and decreases healing time.

Practicing in a straight line helps reduce the impact of the area damaged.
Post 30 Days Healing Time - Photos Courtesy of GCSAA.


We appreciate your diligence in repairing your ball mark plus one other during your game.

Ball mark indentations on putting surfaces can cause varying degrees of damage. The damaged areas can take quite a long time to heal. The damage results in unappealing blemishes and the disruption of the firm and consistent putting surfaces everyone desires.

Grounds Maintenance Center staff members take time to inspect the putting surfaces each morning and repair as many areas as possible. However, proper repair can be completed by golfers on fresh ball marks, which helps cut healing time in half. At OCC we ask that you abide by proper golf etiquette rules and repair your ball mark plus one other on every green during your game.


Here are some helpful tips on proper bunker maintenance from the USGA:
  • Enter and exit the bunker on the low side. Do not climb out of a steep bunker which can cause damage to the lip of the bunker.
  • Use a rake (not your foot or a golf club) to smooth out footprints and depressions as well as any nearby damage you see.
  • Use a back and forth motion to evenly distribute sand and do not pull sand over the edge of the bunker.
  • Place the rake outside of the bunker and parallel to the line of play, away from the target line between the fairway and the green.
  • Be careful not to pull excess sand to (or over) the lip of the bunker. The best practice is to alternate between pulling sand toward you and pushing it back with the tines of the rake, thus making a relatively even surface without displacing too much sand.
  • Just a reminder, the USGA states that the proper term is "bunker," and never "sand trap."


A few basic rules of operation, combined with courtesy will help make driving a golf car a safe and pleasant experience and will preserve your golf course from harm.
  • Please observe and obey signs, stakes, fences and other markers. Golf cars are not allowed beyond out-of-bounds stakes.
  • Always utilize paths whenever possible. Do not cut corners. Park the golf car squarely on the path when exiting the vehicle to avoid turf damage.
  • Every effort should be made to avoid bare spots, wet areas, areas under construction, or damaged areas. Avoid wet or soft areas after rainfall. Spread traffic out as much as possible to avoid damage caused by wear.
  • Maintain a distance of at least twenty yards between your golf car and the green. Utilize paths whenever possible.
  • Do not start a vehicle until all occupants are seated. All occupants should remain seated while the golf car is in motion with all extremities (arms, legs, etc.) within the golf car.
  • Only two occupants per golf car. Children should not be left unattended in a golf car.
  • No one under the age of 16 may operate a golf car; including caddies.
  • The golf car should be driven straight up and down hills and inclines to ensure stability of the vehicle. Do not make turns on hills or inclines, especially when wet.
  • Drive at a safe speed, especially when making turns or backing up.
  • Occupants should not exit the golf car until the vehicle has come to a complete stop. 
  • To avoid damaging the golf course, golf cars are not allowed on the course when frost is present.
  • Members with personal golf cars should always utilize paths when driving to and from the Club. Please do not take short cuts through the golf course.