Course Project Update - Sod Work - April 16, 2019

Excellent progress is being made on the golf course!  The following photos outline work completed on Hole 13.

Hole 13 last October.  Work on the green was complete.  Bunker sand and liner were removed.  The hole stands ready for bunker, approach and fairway improvements.

Hole 13 last November.  Bunker shaping was complete.  Installation of the Better Billy Bunker system was in progress.  In the forefront, the fairway is being enlarged and shaped.

Hole 13 as of April 12.  Bunkers were completed last fall.  Final shaping and sod work around bunkers and the approach was completed last week.  Just one more section of sod in the fairway to finish up!

Sod is being harvested from the fairway on Hole 8 for use on fairway expansions across the golf course.  This will create a smooth transition to the existing turf, so it won't look patchy.  In the photo above, LaBar workers are harvesting the sod using a special tool run by a tractor.  The sod is rolled up, loaded on a trailer and transported where needed.  Once fairway expansions are complete, Hole 8 fairway will be sodded with bentgrass sod.

The turf is cut quite thick to ensure a good portion of roots are attached.  This will speed rooting and recovery at the new location.

Prior to adding sod to the fairway expansions, OCC GMC staff apply fertilizer to the soil.  After sod is laid, most areas are handwatered to manage proper moisture levels.

LaBar completes sod work on Hole 13. 

Hole 13 on April 15th, now complete!