Course Project Update - June 5, 2019

LaBar Golf Renovations staff departed OCC on June 4th.  LaBar did a fantastic job over the past several months and remained diligent right through to the end!

Meanwhile, GMC staff continues to focus on the putting surfaces. Our goal is 100% turf coverage and a 100% smooth surface.  One of the techniques we use involves removing sections of undesirable areas of a putting surface and filling the holes with plugs taken from the nursery.

Areas that have not completely filled in are removed with various sized tools.

This portion of the putting surface was removed and will be replaced with a new plug taken from the nursery.

The process of filling the holes with plugs taken from the nursery.

The new plug is worked into the hole at the proper depth.

A repaired portion of the putting surface with two new plugs.
The nursery was constructed last fall and was one of the last to be seeded.  The turf grew in nicely and is being put to good use as the source for turf plug replacement on the golf course.